Congratulations to our new International Officers and Region Presidents
Happy Fourth of July, Everyone!
Travel safely and enjoy the ride.
Flea Market – 8:45-11:00 Flea Market Open. 8:30 handicap enter.
Gillette Rally items for sale with all proceeds going to common cents.
WBCCI 4th of July Parade and closing Ceremony 4:00pm Spirit Hall.
If you would like to stay the night of the July 5th see June Ryan. The cost is $26.00.

July 04 2014 | Uncategorized | No Comments »
The July 3 seminar on towing will be presented by Chuck Helwig.

Too much happy hour for the pup.
The rally must be winding dooowwwwnnnnnnn. No more updates in sight.
July 03 2014 | Uncategorized | No Comments »
Good morning, it’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood. High today 78 degrees, winds 5-10 mph
Photo Print Contest/Art show 8am-11am
Hobby Show Creations & Collections viewing 1pm-3pm
Today’s Header Photo is by Lynda Polk, titled “Sunny Skies over Gillette”
Open social hour in Boxelder at the VAC tent- everyone welcome!
If you haven’t seen Devils Tower up close and personal yet, join us for a ranger led walk around the Tower tomorrow July 3rd. The tower is 63 miles east on I 90 and state 14. After the walk we will have lunch in Hulett at the Ponderosa Cafe. Please sign up at the information booth. We will meet at the VAC tent 8am for carpooling or meet us at the Tower.
The WBCCI Band is always great entertainment.
Another great Happy Hour at the VAC tent.
Ken Langell, flying high at Gillette.
VAC Open House, Photo by Linda Whiteside Maddox
Results of the elections and votes at the Delegate’s Meeting
Reprinted from the Region 3 Newsletter, by Jay Thompson
The results of the elections and votes on amending the constitution are:
International President-Joe Perryman
International 1st VP-Jim Schwerdfeger
International 2nd VP-Richard Girard
International 3rd VP-Jim Cocke
Two candidates announced from the floor that they were running for the 3rd VP position. They were June Ryan currently the Chairman of the budget Committee and former Region 8 President and Barry Bell, the outgoing President of Region 5
The vote count was: Jim Cocke-3578 June Ryan-910 Barry Bell-367
There were three candidates for the two positions on the Nominating Committee. Jay Thompson and Tom Smithson were elected.
All three amendments to the constitution passed by large margins.
- Amendment #1 to allow clubs in foreign countries to become members passed with 100% of the vote.
- Amendment #2 to permit movement of the International Rally away from July 1 and July 4 passed 4779 “yes” to 29 “no”.
- Amendment #3 to allow the optional payment of dues via electronic means passed 4562 “yes” to 234 “no”.
July 02 2014 | Uncategorized | No Comments »
Tuesday – Happy Canada Day!

Learn about the 2015 International Rally at Farmington NM. 2-3 p.m. in Spirit Hall
Visit the Farmington 2015 International Rally Facebook Page while you’re at it. There’s lots to do and see in Farmington.
New Seminar added:
How to Boondock in your Airstream July 1 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM Gillette Room
Historic downtown Gillette Tour 2:30pm. Cost $5.00 Sign up at Information Desk in Frontier Hall
The seminar on Water heaters is from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., not 2 – 3 pm as is printed in the Rally Program.
Results from June 30 Delegates Meeting.
Jim Cocke was elected 3rd Vice President
Tom Smithson and Jay Thompson were elected to the Nominating Committee
Three motions were passed by the Delegates:
- Process for establishing the new Australian WBCCI Unit
- Extending the calendar window for holding the International Rally
- Amending the constitution to allow future renewal of club does to be done online, at
July 01 2014 | Uncategorized | No Comments »
happy campers all decked out:)
8:30 a.m. – DELEGATES’ SEMINAR/MEETING . . . . . . . . . Spirit Hall
The Delegates Seminar / Meeting will be Livestreamed. You can listen to the proceedings using Windows Media Player or VLC for Mac. Both can be downloaded for free.
Find out about SmartApps for Smart Travelers on your phone or tablet.
2:00 p.m.- 3:30 p.m. Gillette Classroom
Good crowd for Cast Iron Cooking
Are you willing to share that recipe?

Proud Region Flags at Opening Ceremony
New Seminar added:
How to Boondock in your Airstream
July 1 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Gillette Room
June 25 2014 | Uncategorized | Comments Off on Updates for Monday, June 30
Sunday, June 29th
8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Region 1 Breakfast………………….. Mufa Cafe
A Unit Publications seminar is scheduled for Sunday, June 29th at 2:00 p.m. at Equality Hall Room 2. Sign up at the Unit Publications table during registration. We have a digital displays of some Unit Directories and newsletters – if you would like to have yours on digital display, e-mail it to: Are you having problems with the program that you use for your unit newsletter or directory? We may have the answers for you! Bring your tips and your questions – it will be an open discussion for all attendees.
8:30 a.m. – DELEGATES’ SEMINAR/MEETING . . . . . . . . . Spirit Hall
The Delegates Seminar / Meeting will be Livestreamed. You can listen to the proceedings using Windows Media Player or VLC for Mac. Go to URL:
Full house at the wine and cheese pairing.
Impromptu Jazz at the VAC Tent
Patti Reed’s women’s back-up seminar drew lots of interest.

Opening Ceremony, photo by Lynda Polk
June 25 2014 | Uncategorized | Comments Off on Updates for Sunday, June 29